To have your signature certified, please present the following documents: Only in exceptional cases signatures in connection with bank accounts can be notarized.
Signature certifications and PoA like full power of attorney (Generalvollmacht), health care proxy (Vorsorgevollmacht), living will (Patientenverfügung) – can only be notarized if they are revocable.

power of attorney for a single legal transaction that can be revoked, e.g. Simple Power Of Attorney (“Vollmacht”): power of attorney for which the individual gives a lesser authorization, e.g.You are now asked to authorize this declaration retroactively, so that the contract will be legally binding. Declaration of Consent, respectively authorizing a Power of Attorney (“Genehmigungserklärung” or “Vollmachtsbestätigung”): someone signed on your behalf a contract or declaration without having received the power of attorney from you.In many cases, in order for the document to be legally binding, certifying the signature suffices. The individual will not be instructed on the legal meaning of the document to be signed. The signature must be done in person in front of the appropriate Consular Officer or must be recognized by him. With the signature certification, the Notary Public respectively the Consular Officer confirm that the named individual signed the document in front of them. The certification of a signature is the “simpler” form.

The legislative authority and the legal practice determine when which form will be implemented. In both cases, a document is officially signed. The below information should demonstrate that in German law there are two different types for generating official records: The form of certifying a signature and the form of notarization.